sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2009

i and I

i is hopelessly alone.
you is together.
he is together.
she is together.
it is together.
we is together.
they is together.
i was never a we. i was always i.
we has been a we. but i, no... not he.
i gets sad with that. i is irrevocably frozen into an isolated form, with a small dot right above it, to remember him to focus on the higher levels of existence. that's how i worships the gods. and separates itself from mankind.
i is always alone.
I am like i.
I am always alone. Very often lonely.
Even when I'm a we.
Even when I'm a they.
A he.
A she.
An it.
It doesn't matter.
i doesn't matter.
I don't matter either.
I plan on searching for i. I'll go wherever i takes me. And that means that I will be apart from you.

oceans of distance.

Just like now.
Just as usual.
Nothing ever changes.
Everything is already set from the very beginning.
I have to begin my journey for i.
there i goes.
and there I go.

2 comentários:

Felipe disse...

Mais crise de identidade. Esquece disso rapaz! Às vezes a gente esquece que pode ser perigoso querer abandonar nossa vida fútil e vazia em busca de um sentido maior . Depois fica difícil reencontrá-la.

Urania disse...

É sempre um prazer te ler.
